OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
OPC Data Client Communication Objects
Fundamentals > OPC Data Client Fundamentals > OPC Data Client Data Model > OPC Data Client Communication Objects

For easy comprehension, there is just one communication object that you need to start with, for each OPC specification:

You achieve all OPC communication tasks by calling methods on one of these objects. The remainder of this paragraph describes the use of EasyDAClient object; the steps for EasyAEClient or EasyUAClient object are similar.

In order to be able to use one of these objects, you need to instantiate it first.

In OPC Data Client “Classic” and OPC Data Client-UA, there are two methods that you can use:

Note: In addition, there is a static Create() method on each EasyXXClient or EasyXXSubscriber class. This methods works the same as parameter-less constructor. For example (in C#), EasyUAClient.Create() is the same as new EasyUAClient().

For OPC Data Client-COM and OPC Data Client-UA for COM, the following table contains information needed to instantiate the objects.

Class Name CLSID ProgID
EasyAEClient 3643545B-221F-4960-BF47-8A4DDEC81A67 OpcLabs.EasyOpc.AlarmsAndEvents.EasyAEClient
EasyDAClient 6B0B5307-BCB6-4953-A832-BFCF952F7561 OpcLabs.EasyOpc.DataAccess.EasyDAClient
EasyUAClient 54AFB0EA-9809-4D1D-AFBE-0EC164C59A45 OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient
EasyUASubscriber EDC1F10E-3FC6-4604-9BC6-4FFF579D271A OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.PubSub.EasyUASubscriber

As described in the “Naming Conventions”, in OPC Data Client-COM, all objects have ProgIDs that are identical to their qualified type names in .NET. For example, the ProgID of the main EasyUAClient is therefore “OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyOpcUA”.

For COM development, CLSIDs of all objects and IIDs of all interfaces can also be found in the Reference documentation (look for the GuidAttribute on the classes and interfaces).

See Also
